نسعى دائمًا للريادة والحفاظ على التطور في جامعتنا؛ لهذا تخضع الشهادات والمناهج الدراسية بجامعة النور الدولية إلى الإشراف، والتغير، والتطوير المستمرين ليواكبوا متطلبات المجتمع الدولي
The university did not forget its graduates, so it provided them with diploma programs and short courses to maintain their efficiency and continuous development.
Ph.D. registration requirements
- • The researcher must have a master's degree in the same field from the university or from any accredited university or an equivalent certificate recognized by the university.
- The applicant must conduct innovative research in areas approved by the Faculty Council and the Department Council, based on the recommendation of the concerned department.
- • ID / passport
- • committed to the internal regulations of the university and pay the prescribed fees.
- • Writing data on the university form (handwritten)
- Photograph
Master's registration requirements
- The applicant must have a bachelor's or master's degree with a good grade.
- • The applicant must have graduated from the university or any accredited university or any institute accredited by the university.
- • After passing the exams, the student prepares a mission on the subject recommended by the Department Council and approved by the College Council.
- • ID / passport
- • committed to the internal regulations of the university and pay the prescribed fees.
- • Writing data on the university form (handwritten)
- Photograph
شروط التسجيل في البكالوريوس
- • Educational Qualification
- • ID / passport
- • committed to the internal regulations of the university and pay the prescribed fees.
- • Writing data on the university form (handwritten)
- Photograph